Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well, I couldn't really come up with a title, and then started to wonder, "Is there going to be a point to this?" Sure, there'll be a point, I am just not sure what that will be, yet.

Some updates for those who are following along my posts and may be concerned:

1. I am feeling much better since Friday. This is partly because I have not watched the news on the telly since Friday. I do have an email subscription to townhall.com, so I am somewhat staying on top of something. Although, I received a very saddening email from my mother about the awful fires all over Australia. Please say a prayer for those poor people, towns, animals, all whose lives are lost and forever changed by crazy fires. Some of the fires have been intentionally started, some not.

Anyhow, with the "time of the month" passed, I am doing nicely. Our sick bugs seem to be packing up and leaving the house. We've had a bit less coughing and sneezing. So, we should be up and ready for those chicken pox to take over here pretty soon. Yay!

2. I am taking some of our impending and looming finances and getting them under control. I see that I am the one ultimately responsible for how our money is spent, and I will be making sure that my significant other follows whatever plan/scheme I come up with to handle things. Man, some people want to be doctors, some lawyers. I never knew that being a housewife/mom entailed a whole slew of specialties. Really, I could consider myself a CFO, CEO, nurse (doctors are for the serious things), chef, gardener, maid (that came WAY before kids or the "housewife" title), chauffeur, mechanic, appliance repair, teacher, storyteller, etc.... I could go on all night long!

So, yes, I stress out about money, how to spend what we have, if I should spend it, if I should hole it away "just in case", and if we'll have any in another month or so. Why bother worrying about it? Heck, if it's not here next month, it's nowhere, as far as I'm concerned. You know, it's like the 1973 toilet paper crisis that was caused by Johnny Carson. You mention that there's a shortage and everyone gets into a frenzy that the world is ending. Same thing happening with our idiot politicians! Okay, that's not what this post is about.

Okay, so I think that is enough updating for one post. We're good, our neighbors are good. I think we'll all be okay. Gotta think that way! Heck, Sarah got a 100% on her spelling test today. That's a cause for a celebration, right? Her wonderful father, my husband, told her that he would up her commission (orders from Dave Ramsey to call it as such) if she would get 100s on all of her spelling tests. Hmm, pressure. I'm not sure if I like that kind of pressure. She is only 5 years old, and she gets nervous enough taking her spelling tests. We'll see. She'll forget he said anything, and he probably has already forgotten about telling such a thing.

BTW, that post about us getting chickens should be coming very soon. I have a book on hold at the library: Your chickens : a kid's guide to raising and showing by Gail Damerow. I am very excited to go check it out of the library and read all about raising chickens. How's that for getting finances under control? We go through 18-24 eggs week! Imagine the money we'll save, the snakes removed, less ticks, ahhhh... I can't wait!

Have a blessed night, day, until next time...


Heather said...

It is on! Instead of an arms race, we are now in a chicken race. My dh just won't build a simple chicken house, it will have to be a chicken mansion! Argh! I don't think I'll ever get chickens.

Unknown said...

Ah, money issues! I am finally so close to getting out of debt. I too have been following the advice of Dave Ramsey. He knows his stuff! Hope to see you in Savannah soon!