Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sinus infections suck!

Man, we've gone through the children having colds, and I'm the one left with an infection. Honestly, I would prefer it that way. I can't stand to see either of my babes sick. I thought I was over the whole cold thing, until late this past week, when I realized my face was really puffy and red around my nose and sinuses. I had such a bad headache that I could feel pressure through my eyes, ears, and down the back of my neck. So, what do you do when you have insufficient insurance? Natural home therapies! That's what I've been doing my home study about anyhow, right? So, here's my regiment:

--Two echinacea/golden seal capsules 4 times a day.

--Two pau d'arco capsules 4 times a day

--Airborne every two hours

--Echinamide syrup 1 tsp. 4 times a day

--2000mg Vitamin C every couple of hours

--Saltwater sinus flush twice a day

So far, it's working wonders. Of course, since I'm taking everything in my cabinet, I won't know whom to give the credit for helping me get better faster. I'm also putting about a tablespoon of lemon juice in my water glass every time I get a refill of water. This is to help thin out the mucous so things can flow and not build up in my sinuses. Whew!

So, I'll post and let you know if I'm cured tomorrow. This is driving me crazy as I thought I was improving our diet recently by buying so many more fresh fruits and vegetables. I've been making sure every meal has something raw and fresh in it. Although, I also do know that it makes your body stronger once you've been sick. No one else has yet to get sick or sicker since a couple of weeks ago, so hopefully once I'm over this, it'll be time for Spring and warm weather activities to resume.


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